Ultimate guide to the best horse riding tracker apps of 2022

Just about everyone you know these days has a phone and has a list of apps that track pretty much anything and everything you can do. And there are many useful horse riding tracker apps to make life easier! From horse tracker apps, to dressage apps, polework apps to equine health monitors. Today we can monitor our horses’ health, fitness, and riding performance all at the touch of a few buttons. We can access training and management systems within the same program, make bookings, send invoices and manage a team of people right from your phone. Let’s get started with our 3 favorite horse training & horse tracker apps.
HorseStrides – FREE Horse Riding GPS Tracker App (iPhone)

Track your progress with your horse + enjoy our AWESOME flatwork floor plans, polework exercises and custom designed audio lessons, meditations & ride to music with the HorseStrides horse riding tracker app. Download the free HorseStrides app for iPhone here
With HorseStrides you’ll be able to:
- Document your groundwork & riding sessions each day
- Includes a GPS map tracker to save & track all your rides.
- Improve your riding with custom designed audio lessons
- Listen to equestrian meditations & music while you’re riding
- Have fun with our unique flatwork floor plans & polework riding exercises.
- Track your monthly trends & horse riding improvements
- Perfect for all disciplines of rider including English, Western, showjumping & competitive disciplines
And that’s not all! You can also:
- Use our UNIQUE horse happiness tracker
- Discover your most popular training disciplines with our monthly stats
- Become part of our inspiring online equestrian community
- Join our FREE online masterclasses by international coach, Elaine Heney
- Get a FREE ticket to episode 1 of the award-winning documentary ‘Listening to the Horse’.
This app is perfect for:
- Horseback riding
- Dressage
- Western riding
- Trail riding
- Groundwork
- Show jumping
- Natural horsemanship
- Barrel racing
- Liberty work
- Flatwork
- Polework
Download the free HorseStrides app for iPhone here
Rideable – FREE Horse Riding Tracker App (iPhone & Android)

Track your progress with your horse daily with the Rideable horse riding tracker app. Discover a library of useful groundwork & riding ideas, plus get motivational equestrian messages to help you improve your skills.
With Rideable you’ll be able to:
– Document your groundwork & riding sessions each day
– Track your monthly trends & horse riding improvements
– Browse our library of useful groundwork & riding ideas
– Write & save your notes & lessons from every training session
– Enjoy motivational messages to help you improve your riding skills
And that’s not all! You can also:
– Download the horse riding printable checklist & training log
– Earn horsemanship rewards with your horse!
– Become part of our inspiring online equestrian community
– Join our FREE online masterclasses by international coach, Elaine Heney
– Get a FREE ticket to episode 1 of the award-winning documentary ‘Listening to the Horse’.
This app is perfect for:
– Horseback riding
– Dressage
– Western riding
– Trail riding
– Groundwork
– Show jumping
– Natural horsemanship
– Barrel racing
– Liberty work
– Flatwork
– Polework

Dressage Hero – Dressage Tests & Lessons (iPhone & Android)
Transform your flatwork & dressage skills with the Dressage Hero app. Discover the library of dressage tests, creative equestrian horse riding games & competitions you can do in an arena, plus get packs of fun lessons you can do with a small group of horse owners & help you improve your skills. Finally a way to make dressage fun for horse & rider!
Download the free Dressage Hero app for iPhone here.
Download the free Dressage Hero app for Android here.

With Dressage Pro you’ll be able to:
- Enjoy creative flatwork horse riding games & competitions you can do in an arena
- Access packs of fun lessons you can do with a small group of horse owners – perfect for friends at a yard, or for horse riding instructors.
- Get the beginners guide to lateral work
- Walk only, trot & canter dressage tests you can do at home,
- All tests are custom designed for Dressage Hero by Elaine Heney
- Listen to audio versions of all tests while you ride
- Tips to make cantering easy & help you feel more confident when asking for a canter Track your monthly training progress & horse riding improvements
And that’s not all! You can also:
– Earn horsemanship rewards with your horse!
– Become part of our inspiring online equestrian community
– Join our FREE online masterclasses by international coach, Elaine Heney
– Get a FREE ticket to episode 1 of the award-winning documentary ‘Listening to the Horse’.

This app is perfect for riders who love:
- Horseback riding
- Dressage
- Western riding
- Trail riding
- Groundwork
- Show jumping
- Natural horsemanship
- Barrel racing
- Liberty work
- Flatwork
- Polework
Polework Horse Riding Lessons (iPhone & Android)
Never be bored in the arena again with our free polework riding exercises. Discover our library of useful groundwork & riding pole work ideas & layouts. Download this horse riding app for free today!
Download the free Polework Horse Riding Lessons app for iPhone here.
Download the free Polework Horse Riding Lessons app for Android here.
Pole work is incredibly useful for all levels of horses & riders. Did you know that polework:
- Creates increased bend and flexibility through the body
- Improves rhythm and coordination
- Strengthens and engages the back, hindquarters, and topline
- Develops suppleness, elasticity, and range of motion of the limbs and joints
- Encourages the horse to become lighter in front and lift up the forehand
- Improves stride lengthening and collection
- Ground pole exercises also improve balance and proprioception
And not only that, but horses love when you add creativity & fun to your training sessions. And what better way to do that than with interesting polework exercises!

With this free app you also get these bonuses:
– Download the FREE PDF book & polework exercises guide.
– Earn horsemanship rewards with your horse!
– Become part of our inspiring online equestrian community
– Join our FREE online masterclasses by international coach, Elaine Heney
– Get a FREE ticket to episode 1 of the award-winning documentary ‘Listening to the Horse’.
This app is perfect for:
- Horseback riding
- Horse training schooling
- Dressage with horses
- Western riding
- Trail riding
- Groundwork training with horses
- Show jumping & horse jumping
- Natural horsemanship
- Barrel racing
- Liberty work
- Flatwork
- Polework
- Jumping
- Improving transitions in walk, trot & canter
- Collection training
- Natural horsemanship training
- Horsemanship for health
- Learning horse riding tips with poles
The Rideable horse riding tracker app was designed in Ireland by Elaine Heney. Elaine has helped over 120,000+ horse owners in 113 countries to create inspiring relationships with their horses. She is the creator of the award-winning Listening to the Horse documentary.
Download the free Polework Horse Riding Lessons app for iPhone here.
Download the free Polework Horse Riding Lessons app for Android here.
Equestrian Apps with external device tracking
The next group of app offers advanced features to track your horses behavior & health through external devices.
Trackener Life – The 24-hour monitor
This waterproof device can be placed into the girth while riding or can be placed in a lycra bib for example, while your horse is in close quarters such as a stable. It uses GPS and motion sensors and measures how active your horse is, sleep, stress levels, and activity based on the animal’s movements while resting. It enables you to track your training sessions and is smart enough to show how much time has been spent in each gait. The advanced version can measure the horse’s heart rate with a sensor strap.
Horsepal – monitoring system by Horseware
This device utilizes a temperature and humidity sensor that is able to sit underneath a rug and sends data about your horses’ well-being to your phone via Bluetooth, of course, this can only be achieved when you are in range for Bluetooth capabilities. This device allows for extra users as well as multiple horses and the app can also be used as a
management database, enabling you to keep track of each horse’s health records and visits from your equine health professionals such as Vets. This sensor holds up to 3 days of data and has a battery life of 1-2 years.

The “Fit Bit” for horses – Estride Tracker.
This device is shockproof and water-resistant, it can slot into a fetlock boot which is available in smarter leather or neoprene. The horse’s leg movement is transmitted to a remote controller, which stores information for you to access via the app on your phone or computer, this is how data is collected. It is an excellent tool for stride and gait analysis, enabling you to monitor the consistency or lack thereof, your horse’s stride pattern, which enables you to fine tune your training or simply keep track of progress during rehabilitation after an injury. It can also measure your
horses’ calorie burn, a very handy tool for those horses that require their diet to be closely monitored for whatever reason.
The nightwatch is a re-chargeable head collar that contains multiple sensors to monitor your horse. Everything from behaviors to your horses’ vital signs. Whenever it senses signs of distress such as colic, being cast, or after the horse sustains an injury, it sends an alert via text, phone call, or email. This device records respiratory and heart rate, posture and motion, activity levels, and is able to connect to your phone remotely via wi-fi or cellular networks. The sensors in the Nightwatch are able to learn your horses’ behavioral patterns over time and can detect any changes and alert you to those.
EquinITY – Livestream
The EquinITY app allows you to monitor multiple horses at the same time by way of live stream and can monitor horses heart rate, heart rate averages, stride, speed, recovery time and can split interval timings while it’s working, the added bonus is this can be viewed on the other side of the world This monitor works by placing it into a girth sleeve and has a single button operation. The data is transmitted by a Bluetooth-enabled headset.
What about barn management apps & online horse riding courses?

Teachable – Horse Training Courses for iPhone
Grey Pony Films has created a series of online horse training courses you can access from the free Teachable app on your iPhone. You can watch these courses with or without internet connected while you are with your horse. Courses include:
- Groundwork & confidence building groundwork course for horses over 3 years of age
- Polework exercises course
- Beginner dressage, lateral work & collection
- At liberty horse training course
- All horse courses are available here.
Barn Management:
The Equestrian App – Horse riding tracker app for iPhone and android
This app manages day-to-day horse stall management, boarding needs, leasing rules, training plan, veterinarian exams, farrier visits, a market place and more. Just think of it as Microsoft office, but for your horses. Features:
- Newsfeed of your horses’ activities and health, connected to others that help in their care.
- Manage everything about your horses’ health, activities and records
- Contacts, from riders and farriers to vets and more, stay connected
- Follow friends or become an equine influencer
- Track your expenses
- Capture and share important moments with your horse, great for when out trail riding
- Journal activities for you and your horse, with a list of horse care topics that can be recorded
- Track all of your rides, capturing where you rode, the distance, time and speed for each horse and so much more.
Barn Management:
Hooves – Horse riding tracker app for iPhone and android compatible
Plan and log all of your horses’ activities and keep your entire team up to date. This app enables you to create a profile for your horse and enter all the basic information. You can invite everyone who is involved with your horse such as trainer, stable manager, farrier and vet, enabling a way for everyone to keep up to date.
- Horse profile and multiple horse management features
- Sharing capabilities
- Schedule and plan
- Log and keep track of daily activities
- Set up health reminders such as dentist, farrier and vaccines
- Make lists and send tasks to your team members
There are a number of other apps available with similar capabilities, but this list gives you a look into the most popular apps being utilized around the world today. These are something that ultimately come down to personal preference, how adept you are at utilizing your phone and whether or not you want or need to, continue record keeping on paper.
It is safe to say, regardless of your reasons, whether it is for safety and tracking, monitoring vital signs for conditioning and pre and post competition particulars, or simple on hand record keeping, there is an app out there that will suit a very large percentage of your needs.
There is nothing wrong with trying out more than one, to see if it is the one that suits your requirements, if you never try, you will never know. Whats your favourite horse app? Let me know in the comments.