The emotional roller-coaster of owning a horse

I want to talk about a big issue many riders have. It’s the dramatic emotional roller coaster of owning a horse. One day you’re on top of the world after a blissful ride with your horse in the arena. You feel connected & carefree, and your horse was confident and relaxed. It felt like magic.
But the next day, there is a gale outside, your horse spooks at everything, ignores your attempts to ask them to relax, stands on your foot (ouch) which then turns black & green, leaving you no choice but to abandon the session in tears, and hobble home dejectedly.
- Or maybe your horse is lame one morning.
- Or someone says something unkind to you, because you’re doing groundwork instead of riding your horse.
- Or you got a new horse you’re struggling to connect with.
- Or you find a melanoma on your horse and burst into tears
- Or you asked too much of your horse, your horse loses confidence and you feel like a failure.
- Or you had a bad fall and feel sick at the thought of riding.
- Maybe time is an issue. Not everyone has the luxury of spending an hour or more daily with your horse. So you beat yourself up about this internally.
It happens to all of us. Because our horses mean so much to us. A bad day, a health worry, a scary situation, a loss of confidence, a tumble, a judgement, a criticism from someone else, can literally turn your world upside down.This is the emotional roller coaster of owning a horse. It’s intense. And it’s soul wrenching at times.
But you’re not alone. We all struggle. We all have to deal with grief, anxiety and confidence issues at different times. And we all make mistakes.
But I think the biggest mistake we can make is not trying. Our horses have so much potential to be the horses of our dreams. They want to connect with us. They want to have that trusting relationship with us.
And that’s why I decided to ask many of the worlds most inspiring horse people to help me create the ‘Listening to the Horse’ 7 part docu-series, which features 70+ of the worlds most inspiring horse people.
Join over 100,000 horse owners who have watched this documentary.
“I love all the key points in one doco. And I’m loving the stories from awesome down to earth trainers who are sharing their knowledge for the better to help the horses!”
“This movie, as the title says “Listening to the horse” has helped me be more aware of the subtle cues the horse is giving me and how to work through the problems that have happened without becoming over reactive. I’ve learned that the horse mirrors our emotions.“
So if you want the DVD box set (perfect for a movie night with friends!) or the online movie, and you haven’t already submitted your order, you can order one here. Plus you’ll get FREE worldwide shipping! (limited time offer only)
Thank you for supporting our mission to make the world a better place for the horse.
Elaine Heney (Director / Producer)