4 Horse body language tips

With horses, small horse body language movements can communicate a lot of messages. Messages that are really important to your horse.
Messages that your horse wants you to understand.
- ‘Yes that’s the spot’ Our equine dentist came out today to visit my horses. It was magic to see Ozzie relaxing and lowering his head when she found the perfect spot on his teeth that he wanted filed
- ‘Absolutely no way!’ Matilda had been given one flu shot and a few months later our vet came back, to give her a booster shot. She saw him outside her paddock, put her tail up in the air & did a very fast trot away in the opposite direction!
- ‘I really want you to open the gate Elaine’ When Ozzie thinks a gate should be open to the next door paddock which has more grass in it, he will stare at me intently for a minute or more with those piercing Connemara eyes, willing me to open it.
- ‘I need a back scratch ASAP Elaine’. Matilda will nicker softly, walk over to where I am standing in the paddock, stand still, then stretch her two hind legs way out behind her so her back is nearly a foot lower in height then normal, and ask for her back to be scratched!
In fact, our horses communicate their needs to us many times each day…
But as humans we don’t catch them all. We are not naturally focused on horse body language analysis.
So we miss a lot of these non-verbal conversations with our horses & the meanings behind them.
It would be like meeting an old friend in the supermarket, being happy to see them and saying hello with a smile. But your friend completely ignores your greeting & just walks right past you, as if you weren’t even there.
Ignoring these daily conversations your horse wants to have with you, is not a good way to build connection & trust. In fact, it can really hold you back.
– But we can get better at noticing these conversions, and figuring out the meaning behind them.
– But we can train ourselves to improve our body language skills!
And I know this, because it’s exactly what I’ve done myself, in order to connect & understand my horses more. And the place to begin is with liberty work.
Because our goal is that every time our horse communicates with us using body language – it’s our job to hear them, loud & clear.
Start improving your body languages skills & awareness here >>>
And have fun with your lovely horses x