The 6 most common types of horse problems & how to fix them

Horses come in all shapes & sizes, ages & breeds. But there are 6 very common horse issues I see – regardless of age, breed or size!
And all of these issues cause MAJOR consequences for us as horse owners. So we need to help our horses to fix them.
What are these 6 major issues -and does your horse have one of these issues? Let’s get started!
1. The Slow Horse
Got a slow horse who sets out at snails pace? Even if you increase your energy then you’re dragging him and he still doesn’t speed up.
This horse is slow when you are leading them in hand, and can also be slow to move when you are riding them too!
2. The Fast Horse
Got a fast horse, who takes big steps when you are walking them in hand? And they are leaving you behind or walking across in front of you?
Or maybe when you are riding, they have a lot of excess energy which can be a LOT to deal with at times? How can you teach them to mirror your speed & slow down? how can you teach them to relax?
3. The Herd Bound Horse
Many horses find confidence when they are with their herd mates. When you take them away on their own… it all goes pear-shaped! Riding alone on a trail ride is something you NEVER do.
And even when you ask your horse to leave their paddock, and leave their friends – they immediately start to get worried? This is a really unsafe situation to be in.
4. The Hungry Horse
You want to build that connection with your horse – but NOTHING is more interesting to your horse than the grass they are trying desperately to eat!
What do you do if you are leading your horse with lead rope & they put their head down to try to eat grass every few steps? How are you meant to ask you horse to focus on you – when all they can think of is grass?
5. The Spooky Horse
Got a horse who spooks dramatically when a bird flies out of a tree? This is a fast way to lose confidence & end up in a dangerous situation. If you are on foot, you can get squashed or run over.
If you are riding, it’s easy to lose your balance after a sudden movement & fall off. Both are very dangerous situations.
6. The Pushy Horse
Finally we have the pushy horse. Do you struggle with a horse who walks into your personal space uninvited? Where you think one day they could knock you over?
Who is a tiny bit dangerous on the ground? And who you WISH had better manners & would respect your personal space more?
Which horse type is your horse?
First we need to be honest with ourselves & our horses. Does your horse first into one of these categories? Leave a comment below & let me know what situations you want to improve with your horse.
We need to go back to groundwork exercises for horses.
In order to fix any problem with our horses, we have to first admit to ourselves that there is a problem, and there are some things we want to work on with our horse.
If you have any of the 6 issues I listed above, there is a proven way to FIX each of these issues with your horse.
We have developed a series of strategic groundwork exercises ANY horse over 3 years of age can do.
And these 12 groundwork exercises for horses will have a DRAMATIC improvement in your horse, in as little as 14 days.
Join our unique 14 day groundwork exercises challenge for horses owners, fix the issues & get on track to building that inspiring relationship with your horse that you’ve been dreaming of.
Judy Maldenas
Depending on the day he can be slow or he can be very pushy when hand walking him. Last time he was grazing and I asked him to stop he had a complete meltdown!
I have a slow hungry horse.
Lisa Bright
I have one that is Pushy, Hungry, and Fast. I have another that is Pushy and Slow.
I think I have one of every type except herd bound, and spooky.! One likes to fight to graze when walking to the barn, My daughters one horse is pushy, and doesnt respect our space, my half draft is so Slow that she mostly moseys on trail rides,My TWH likes to go. go .go,
I have a fast, spooky horse. He is calm and thoughtful in his home environment but fast and spooky as soon as we leave the property… and we have walked MANY miles… still a struggle :-
Tricia Foster
I have a fast horse and a pushy horse.
I have a mixed bag of the fast horse, spooky horse, and at times pushy horse. She can be fast when walking especially to the paddock and back to the from the Arena. Will spook at all most any thing. Will walk into my space uninvited all the time, even in the cross ties.