Elaine Heney is an Irish horsewoman, CEO at Grey Pony Films, #1 best-selling author, and director/producer of the award-winning ‘Listening to the Horse’ documentary.

She has helped over 120,000+ horse owners in 113 countries to create awesome relationships with their horses, and her horsemanship films & mini-documentaries have been watched by over 1.7+ million people.

Elaine’s mission is to help horse owners around the world by listening to the horse, building great partnerships together, and making the world a better place for the horse. She lives in Ireland with her horses Ozzie & Matilda.

Movie & online courses awards
- #1 Best-selling author: Ozzie, the Story of a Young Horse
- EQUUS Award-winning book: Ozzie, the Story of a Young Horse
- EQUUS Best International Training Series: Listening to the Horse
- EQUUS Best Equestrian Mini Award, Steve Halfpenny short doc
- EQUUS Equestrian Training Documentary: Soft Feel & Light Horses
- EQUUS Equestrian Training & Education: The Spanish Vaquero Clinic
- EQUUS Equestrian Series – International: Steve TV
- WINNIE Award: Equine Training & Education: Ozzie Story
- Best Director, NYC Indie Film Festival
- Best Cinematography, European International Film Awards
- Best Documentary Diamond Award: European International Film Awards,
- Best Documentary Silver Award: Hollywood Film Competition,
- Best Director Diamond Award: Hollywood Film Competition
- Best Cinematography Diamond Award: Hollywood Film Competition
- Best Equestrian Mini Award: EQUUS Film Festival
- Best Documentary Gold Award: NYC Indie Film Awards
- Best Director Diamond Award: NYC Indie Film Awards
- Best Documentary Gold Award: LA Shorts Awards
Official documentary selection at the Cope Shorts Film Festival, EQUUS Film Festival, LA Shorts Awards, NYC Indie Film Festival, Hollywood Film Competition, Equinale, LAIFFA, European Independent Film Awards, Berlin Flash Film Festival, Boston Galactic Stars Festival, EQUUS International Film Festival Montana, Utah Film Festival and Park City International Film Festivals.

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Join the free Facebook community | Listen to the podcast | Watch the award-winning Listening to the Horse documentary | Enjoy the best-selling books | Explore Elaine’s online courses | Email: greyponyfilms@gmail.com