How to download the #1 Dressage iPhone & Android horse riding app

BIG news day! I have been busy behind the scenes working on a TOP SECRET dressage app for iPhone and Android…. And it’s finally here! All you need is a Dressage Hero…
Introducing the Dressage Hero app.

Get the free Dressage Hero iPhone app >>
Get the free Dressage Hero Android app >>
The new Dressage Hero iPhone & Android app includes walk only, trot & canter tests you can do at home.
- No need to wear jodpurs
- Works for all breeds of horses
- No need to drive your horse trailer anywhere
- No judges or flowerpots needed!
And you can listen to all the tests as you ride (so cool!)
And wish you had some fun arena games you can do with friends… we’ll look no further, they are in the Dressage Hero app too.

What’s inside the Dressage app:
- Try out new dressage tests at home with your horse (all levels)
- Enjoy creative flatwork horse riding games & competitions you can do in an arena
- Access packs of fun lessons you can do with a small group of horse owners – perfect for friends at a yard, or for horse riding instructors.
- Get the beginners guide to lateral work
- Walk only, trot & canter dressage tests – suitable for all breeds & experience.
- All dressage tests are custom designed by #1 best-selling author Elaine Heney.
- Listen to audio versions of all tests while you ride
- Track your monthly training progress & horse riding improvements

And because some of us have iPhones and some have Android… it’s available on both platforms.
Get the free Dressage Phone app >>
Get the free Dressage Android app >>
You’ll never be bored in the arena again.