Where is the best horseback riding lesson near me?

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How to Find a Local Riding Instructor Near You

Whether you’re a seasoned rider looking for a new riding instructor, searching for the best “horseback riding lesson near me” or a parent searching for riding lessons for your child, finding the right rider-trainer match can be difficult. This is an especially difficult decision if you own your own horse and will be handing it’s care over to another person. Before you begin your search for a stable that offers horse riding lessons near you, it’s a good idea to have clear expectations of what you’re looking for. Check out this step-by-step guide to find a good horse riding instructor near you.

Determine your goals as a rider

Setting clear goals and expectations for yourself and your horse is an important first step when looking for a riding school near you. Do you want to attend horse shows, or ride for pleasure? If all of the other students are training for the next big show and you just want to spend time with your horse and do light lesson work, a larger show barn might not be the best fit for you, no matter how good the trainer is.

Some competitive show barns also have yearly showing requirements. If you attend some shows, but not all, you will also want to ask who takes over training rides and instruction in the head trainer’s absence. Also make sure you have an equestrain journal so you can document all your lessons.

Finding a horseback riding lesson near me: Watch the trainer teach a lesson

Go to the barn during a training lesson and watch how the trainer interacts with the students. Some prospective students prefer to make an appointment to do this, others will stop by a barn and observe a lesson without an appointment to see what the trainer’s style is like on an everyday basis.

If the instructor attends local shows, spend a morning or afternoon watching classes to see how the trainer interacts with riders and horses in a high stress, competitive environment. Are the students receiving appropriate instruction and feedback prior to entering the ring? Does the trainer appear calm and professional?

horse training tips

Consider your budget and your horse’s needs

Some barns have a minimum number of lessons that students must attend per week. Each instructor also has their own fee schedule for lessons, horse training, grooming, and other necessary stable functions.

If your horse has specific dietary needs or supplements that must be added to his grain, can the employees at the riding school accommodate this? Will something like this be an additional cost? Some barns will require you to make your own feeding arrangements if, for example, your horse is on an alfalfa diet, while the rest of the barn gets hay pellets.

The appearance of the barn

So you’re looking for the a horseback riding lesson near me. But there is another consideration. The condition of the barn, the arenas, and turnout areas will tell you a lot about the riding school. Are the barn aisles clean and free from debris? Are items that could present safety issues like: pitchforks, loose wires, or rakes put away neatly to limit risk of injury to horse and rider?

Do the horses look well fed and taken care of? Do the employees look happy? What about the other riders? If you’re unsure on this, trust your gut. If something seems off, it probably is.

Help, where can I get a horseback riding lesson near me? Ask someone you trust!

If you’ve been riding for a while, chances are you have friends that ride too. If you haven’t already, ask them for a recommendation. If you’re new to riding, but have other pets, consider asking your veterinarian. Your small animal vet may also be a horse person. 

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A quick internet search will reveal if the instructor or riding school has been penalized by local or national equestrian associations for things like show violations or unethical conduct.

You can also check sites like Yelp or Google Reviews for feedback from current and former students.


So while you may have asked, “Where can I find a horseback riding lesson near me”, well we need to make sure we find you a trainer with the same philosophy as you. Like all sports, there are good instructors and bad ones. It’s important that you and your instructor share the same vision for how your horse will be trained. If you are against using spurs, crops or other such training devices, make sure that the instructor shares that view.

What to do if there are no riding schools near you

Sometimes when you ask the question “I want to find horseback riding lesson near me” it’s hard to find a good barn nearby. Many riders live in remote country areas where they do not have access to qualified horse trainers. If you find you live in an area where there are no horse trainers or riding schools, don’t worry! You can continue your horse’s education (and your own), with some handy online instruction courses!

Companies like Grey Pony Films have helped tens of thousands of riders improve their riding skills and their relationship with their horse. They provide dozens of exercises, such as pole-based patterns and grid work, to increase your horse’s suppleness, balance, rhythm and strength.

You can also get online horse training courses in liberty, lateral work, dressage for beginners & trail riding.

If you’re interested in trying a new, fun way to bond with your horse, consider their “at liberty” exercises. Getting out of the saddle and working your horse on the ground is a great way to improve the horse-rider connection.

Grey Pony Films provides easy to watch videos that take a step-by-step approach to teaching you new ways to train and interact with your horse. Online courses like this are a great way to continue learning – and listening – to your horse.

You can also check out a range of natural horsemanship courses that are available.

Finding the right riding instructor or riding school is important. Take your time when making your selection. It can often take a few months to find a riding school near you that’s a good fit for both you and your horse. If you don’t find an instructor immediately, don’t be afraid to work with your horse alone, with the help of some online courses!

Got any tips to find a great riding instructor? Let me know in the comments.

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